Where does the dividend go?


Moana New Zealand exists for Iwi and because of Iwi. We are proud of the value we provide to our Iwi partners which goes well beyond a financial return. Seeing the continual socio-economic support that our Iwi partners are able to provide to their communities as a result of their Moana New Zealand dividend, makes it all worth it.

Take Te Arawa Fisheries for example. With the dividend they receive from Moana New Zealand, they are able to put it towards feeding children in need in Rotorua through sponsoring the Ka Pai Kai Rotorua programme.

Ka Pai Kai Rotorua is a Charitable Trust and social enterprise. Their mission is to make nourishing school lunches affordable and accessible and most importantly, normal, for children in Rotorua. They know that eating good food at school is important for good educational outcomes and believe all tamariki should be able to eat a nourishing lunch, regardless of their parent’s income.

They currently make an average of 1,250 lunches per week

Te Arawa Fisheries sponsor Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi with 20 free lunches every school day of the year. Kaiako have reported an increase in attendance, attention, and concentration since the programme began. Te Arawa Fisheries has supported the programme from inception with both sponsorship and governance.

When it first started in May 2017, they were told things such as, “children don’t like healthy food” and “healthy food is too expensive”. They aim to challenge these perceptions, by showing parents how much children can enjoy nutritious kai.